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Dior Saddle Bag Dupe part 2.

Dior Saddle Bag Dupe part 2.

If you thought part 1 was good wait until you see how amazing this instalment is. Seriously; it’s that good. But first a small introduction to why I feel fake designer handbags are a good idea. As I have said before when I buy designer handbags I very rarely buy into trendy IT bags; if i’m spending my hard earned money I want to be assured that it will hold its value. Classic bags such as the Chanel classic flap will comfortably retain their monetary value or even increase in value. Whereas fashion bags tend to be plastered all over Instagram for about 2 years then disappear into the the fashion history books never to be seen again. This leaves the second hand market inundated with people wanting to sell their now outdated bags which means the resell price will be driven down due to the vast amount of choice of identical bags. So, after saying my piece let’s get into the bag.

The original bag costs £2,450. I’ll give you a minute to let that absorb. Well, now the good news, this one is £43, yes, really, everyone form an orderly queue, the link is coming up in a minute! Genuinely, there isn’t a bad thing to say about this bag. It is so impressive my Mum, confident it was the real deal, asked me why I spent such a ridiculous amount of money on a bag. There really isn’t anything about this bag that gives away it is a fake; even the strap it comes with, looks incredibly authentic. Obviously, if someone was to fastidiously inspect it there is a lack of a branded name on the underside of the strap or inside the bag, but personally, I don’t think it’s worth paying £2,500 for the privilege.

I should say at this point the actual Dior matching strap should be an extra £1,500. Yes, really. I have added the photographic proof below because the amount is so ridiculous.

Anyway, back to the fabulous details of this £43 bag. I’ll stop rambling and let the next few photos talk for themselves. Nothing about these photos have been edited or manipulated, all I have done is turn the brightness up as the weather was a bit dreary on the day I took these photos.

The hardware detailing is amazingly authentic with the perfect amount of shine without being overly gaudy. As you can probably tell I’m over the moon with my purchase (and if you listen carefully you can actually hear my bank account taking a sigh of relief) I’m sure you’ll see it featured regularly on my Instagram, so if you want to see how I style it I’m @mydaisystyle. The company is called Barabum and I’ll link their Instagram and website below if you want to have a browse.

My Instagram—instagram.com/mydaisystyle

Barabum Instagram—instagram.com/barabumfashion?igshid=16liyioecza2t (opens in a new tab)”>https://instagram.com/barabumfashion?igshid=16liyioecza2t

Barabum Website — https://barabumfashion.com/

Anyway, I’ve gone on about how amazing it is for long enough now, i’m sure you’re all here for the link so here it is.


Happy shopping x
