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Hello, and thanks for visiting my little blog. If you like this post and want to see more do follow me so you can stay up to date with my posts.

Welcome back to my blog post series Style My Colour. For my second post I have chosen to focus on orange. I will show you how I style 4 key pieces of orange clothing and accessories and hopefully it will give you some inspiration. If I can’t link the exact item I will try and link any similar alternatives below each picture, so read on and enjoy seeing all that orange has to offer you!

Orange for beginners.

If you are new to the world of orange and are thinking of dabbling into the realms of peach, pumpkin or terracotta then this is a great starter outfit.

Blouse: https://m.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/satin-pj-style-shirt-8199010

This apricot Topshop blouse is a great option for beginners. It’s a subtle shade of orange and makes the perfect spring statement paired with a pair of black jeans to really make the colour pop. Believe it or not this blouse is actually in the sale now for £15.00 a great bargain if you ask me.

Adding a pop of orange with accessories.

What better way to introduce orange into your wardrobe than with accessories, also, what a great opportunity to go shopping for new bags and shoes! Although the colour may be bold there really isn’t a better colour combination than black and orange to create a fashionable vibe! 🧡🖤

Bag- JW Anderson: https://www.b-exit.com/crossbody-bag-jw-anderson-women-f43041?currency=GBP&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm_nKg6Sl4QIVL7HtCh1ruQMzEAQYASABEgLBffD_BwE

Silmilar alternative: https://m.dorothyperkins.com/en/dpuk/product/accessories-203537/bags-purses-2230520/orange-lock-chain-cross-body-bag-8163745?dual-run=dorothyperkins.com&

I invested in this JW Anderson bag about 2 years ago in the January sales and I can honestly say that I have had just as much wear out of it than my black or neutral bags. I have also linked a cheaper alternative above which is a similar shade of stunning orange and will make an amazing pop of colour!

If a bright orange bag doesn’t take your fancy then what could be better than bright orange shoes! I purchased these Zara shoes last year but they have an identical colour in a mule style this year which I definitely don’t need but they may have slipped into my basket!

Similar alternative: https://www.zara.com/share/leather-heeled-mules-with-maxi-buckle-detail-p11234001.html?utm_campaign=productShare&utm_medium=mobile_sharing_iOS&utm_source=red_social_movil&v1=9237385

If you are feeling really brave you could wear them together! Personally this is my favourite outfit of the moment!

The orange piece de resistance.

Zara coat: https://www.zara.com/share/neon-masculine-coat-p07522043.html?utm_campaign=productShare&utm_medium=mobile_sharing_iOS&utm_source=red_social_movil&v1=9237760

This coat was a lovely Birthday gift from my family as they know how much I love orange! Even for me wearing the orange coat with the orange shoes and bag may be too much even for me but you never know!

Hope you enjoyed this blog post and you will become a regular reader don’t forget to follow the blog!

Mydaisystyle X


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